Introduction to Radiant

Installing Radiant

The first step is to install R. For mac go to For windows get the latest release from

Important: Windows users must install R in directory C:\R\R-3.3.1

To automate the remaining steps in the install process open R and copy-and-paste the command below, press return, and accept all default settings during the install process:


For a step-by-step tutorial see the Install Radiant on Windows or Install Radiant on Mac video:

Install Radiant on Windows

Install Radiant on Mac

Starting and stopping

Getting help

Getting data in and out

Fast and efficient analysis

Reproducible analysis


Radiant is licensed under the AGPLv3. The documentation and videos on this site as well as the Radiant help files are licensed under the creative commons attribution, non-commercial, share-alike license CC-NC-SA.

As a summary, the AGPLv3 license requires, attribution, including copyright and license information in copies of the software, stating changes if the code is modified, and disclosure of all source code. Details are in the COPYING file.

If you are interested in using Radiant please email me at

© Vincent Nijs (2016) Creative Commons License